A six-story shopping mall opened yesterday near Phnom Penh International Airport with shop space about 65 per cent rented out, officials said yesterday. The first three floors of Rathana Plaza on Russian Federation Boulevard in Sen Sok district host shopping space, while a 100-room hotel occupies the top three floors, marketing manager Prum Phearun said yesterday.
Vendors have rented about 150 of the shopping mall’s 236 shopping units, the manager said. About 10 per cent of construction remains unfinished. Overseas Cambodia Investment Corporation invested about US$8 million in the project that sits on a 7,000-square-metre plot of land, Prum Phearun said. Construction began in 2008. Prak Chinda, a cosmetics vendor with two shopping units at the shopping mall, said the location will attract customers.
Oh..Thats really great..I always go through your blog and i feel happy for all the improvements..
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