Entertainment Gaming Asia will open a casino in Pailin province near the border with Thailand by next year, the firm said.
proposed location “is far away from the current conflict area of the
northern Cambodia Thailand border”, the firm’s Chief Executive Officer
Clarence Chung said in a first quarter conference call.
“We are
making solid progress in implementing our new growth strategy of owning
and operating regional casinos in emerging gaming markets in the
Indo-China region,” he said in a statement accompanying Monday’s
conference call.
Director of Finance Ministry's Financial
Industry Department Mey Vann claimed yesterday that despite the ongoing
border dispute, casinos near Thailand remain unaffected.
circumstances have not affected the casinos economic situation and
there has been no decline in the number of visitors from both sides of
the border,” he said.
“The investors rigorously surveyed Pailin
province’s current economic situation and potential for profit in the
region’s gaming market.”
However, some casino operators in
Banteay Meancheay province – where violent border clashes had taken
place – told The Post earlier this month they had shuttered casinos when
Thai authorities had temporarily closed two border gates.
Gaming plans to develop the project on a plot of land owned by its
unnamed local partner in the venture, which owns 33 percent. The firm
expects the project to cost US$2 million in a location near four other
border casinos. It will open the casino under its “Dreamworld” brand
with approximately 23 tables and 40 electronic gaming machines,
according to the release.
The Dreamworld casino, set to open in
the second quarter of 2012, “will cater to mass market and premium
players from the major nearby cities in the region,” it said.
Gaming, formerly Elixir Gaming, currently operates 726 gambling
machines in Cambodia, primarily at Phnom Penh’s sole licenced casino
NagaWorld, Chief Accounting Officer Andy Tsui said in the conference
call.Its Cambodia operations generated some $3.4 million in the first
quarter of the year, he said.
The firm also has plans to launch a separate casino in Kampot province.
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